The following are the top 10 TEXT messages (abbreviations, slang, lingo, sayings, etc.) sent by our members. If you make a top 10 text  message it may be featured on our main page with full credit to you and your facebook account!  Simply add a comment with facebook and add your message and start a discussion!


  1.  i wnt sum1 2 lv me n care 4, if ur dat 1 pls lt me knw 2nite cuz i cnt w8 any mor
  2. I wz gtin2d@ & now gota typ it agen – b pAtNt!  (unknown!)
  3. if u cn kEp ur hed wen all about u r losin thers & blamin it on u if u cn trst urself wen all men dout u, bt mAk alowance 4 ther doutin 2,  (evenstar_)
  4. u r sah sw8 2 meh.ur l1k h%ven a11 n 1.  (sw8_4ngel) 
  5. tke cntrl of ure life nt ov mne soon ul c wwt am ^ 2  (FunkyTazChick) 
  6. Age duz not protek U frm luv bt luv 2 som Xtnt proteks U frm age.  (Snoopy) 
  7. hA m8! wots ^? wot u bin ^ 2 l8ly? i wnt 2 d cT n saw dis groz lezBN! i waz so scard! lol! NEway! i cnt w8 2 c u N ur bro! he iz d sxcst!  (cya_l8er) 
  8. I h8 U! U promised U w%dNt tell any1 & dat it wud b r :X so Y R U tellin evry1 how gr8 I am?   (kookette)
  9. i wsh upon a * dat i cld mak u 😀 lyk u mak mE  (cya_l8er)
  10. u b vrE sXC 2 me bAB, I is wantN yor # so we can git it on  (Ali-J) 


  • hey ~:o U L%k sexC, wnt 2 ride n my harley? (crystalshine)
  • ~*~*~LuV iZ lIkE qWiKsAnD…Da DeEpEr U fAlL iN, dA hArDa It Is 2 FaLl OuT~*~*~ (__SkAnK__cOoKiE__)
  • if i waz i tear in ur I id roll dwn ur face+stop @ ur lips,if u waz a tear in my I i’d neva :*( coz i’d b afraid of losin u! (mc*gemini*) 
  • if i was a rivr and walkD past id stop flowin 2 let u past. if i was da sun id shine ova u. if i was a duvet id let u in my bed but if i was a seagul i wud shit on ur hed.  (picies) 
  • fEt cn onlE wlk 4 a mile, hartz cn onlE luv 4 a wile, clothes wnt alwyz b n stiL but havin u az a frend iz 4eva wrthwile! (Lemon Fairy)
  • U cn fll off a bilding, u cn fll off a trE, but Bay-b da bes wy to fll is n luv wit me! (non-member) 
  • girls, av known so many n luved so few bt nun hav been as sweet as u, id stand n w8 in the worlds longest q jus 4 da pleasure of bein with u (non-member)
  • TLK 2 U I nevr eva shy; fall 4 U I nevr eva lie; mAk luv 2 U I nevr eva mAk U cry ;p PS. I luv U (non-member) 
  • How c%d U do DIS 2 me? Do U jst luv CN me hurt? U R d biggest jurk DIS 3:o) hz eva cn n her Lyf! weL git redE, itz goin 2 b a bumpy ride.Its my turn (GeoRgiaMyHomEsWtHoMe)
  • hi jay, its beki frm th bluff! im @ skool, wat u up 2? r u goin up bluff gen 2 nite? i mite if danni is by the way i do like egg n flour! tx bk lub me x (Wanker)