Understand sms, text lingo, text speak, chat slang?
transl8it! (trans-late-it) is simple! Just type in SMS, text message, emoticon, smiley, slang, chat room net lingo or abbreviations and let transL8it! convert it to plain english to understand -- OR -- type in your phrase in english and convert it to SMS TEXT lingo slang!
transl8it! iz simpl! jst typ n yor SMS, TXT o ch@ lNgo & Lt transL8it! cvert it 2 pln eng --o-- typ n a frAze n eng & cvert it 2 SMS TXT lingo!
6 Jun 2008
Online Chat Slang & SMS Text Message Lingo – How to Understand It
By text lingo On 6 June 2008 In sms text chat lingo
How to understand it if dis msg ws snt 2 u wud u NdRstnd it? The best way to understand online chat and SMS text message lingo is to simply try it. Even those people who aren’t