Understand sms, text lingo, text speak, chat slang?
transl8it! (trans-late-it) is simple! Just type in SMS, text message, emoticon, smiley, slang, chat room net lingo or abbreviations and let transL8it! convert it to plain english to understand -- OR -- type in your phrase in english and convert it to SMS TEXT lingo slang!
transl8it! iz simpl! jst typ n yor SMS, TXT o ch@ lNgo & Lt transL8it! cvert it 2 pln eng --o-- typ n a frAze n eng & cvert it 2 SMS TXT lingo!
3 Nov 2022
Top 20 Most Popular Text Terms to Know
By text lingo On 3 November 2022 In sms text chat lingo
Are you wondering what the top most popular text terms are that are being used by teen and adults in online chat and sms text messaging? And have been used for longer than transl8it.com can remember? Top
17 Sep 2022
Why do people send text messages?
By text lingo On 17 September 2022 In best messages
People send text messages for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include:
12 Jan 2022
History of Short Message Service (SMS)
By text lingo On 12 January 2022 In sms text chat lingo
Short Message Service (SMS) is a method of sending text messages to mobile phones. The history of SMS dates back to the early 1980s, when the idea of sending short text messages over the cellular network was