1. What is transL8it!?
transL8it!? is a translation engine that allows you to type in your internet texting lingo and with the click of a button, converts it to plain english (or visa-versa).
There are several improvements we are making to the system and should be operational soon (sure, we said that years ago!). Please know that this site has several plans going forward and users will be allowed to send SMS messages, embed the mini-transl8it! engine in their sites, populate the database, and more. transL8it! is standardizing SMS text and chat message lingo with our community. Initially populated by members (those were the days) this is a community that is growing everyday. Please help us grow virally by sending our website link to a friend. Thanks again from all of us at transl8it!   Feel free to email any questions you may have.

2. Can I submit entries to the contests if I am not a registered user?
Yes. You can still submit the entries even if you aren’t a registered user. The only problem is, we cannot get aholdof you if you win…. so your best bet is to sign^ for FREE

3. What if I do not agree with a translation?
Well… if you dont agree with a translation of the lingo you are able to enter your own version (as a member or not) through the ADD LINGO button, and we will review it then add it to the database.  If you are signed up you get credit for the entry.

4. What is the partner program?
Our partner program allows affiliates to run a mini_transl8it! engine on their site, advertise our site with banners, and participate in making the transl8it! engine smarter!  All you need to do is sign^ and click on the link for become-a-partner.

Please note in the future we are going to add several benefits to our partners across the world. Unfortunately we cant tell you what all those are just quite yet (for competitive reasons) but keep an eye on this space!

5. What can I do if I submitted something that didn’t translate?
If you ADD LINGO, you can suggest your version of the translation to the engine. If you are a registered user, you can use the system to populate the database, while getting credit for your entries.

6. Who are the people who started the transL8it! website?
ok ok… we have been asked several questions about transL8it! and the people behind it. More information is available deep within the transL8it! website, and can be found under the AboutUs/CorporateSummary/ pages. To go directly to that page. Or email us info@transl8it.com