sms text chat lingo Archive

26 Feb 2018

Online cyber bullying lingo. How to understand text slang.

Text message bullying, much like online cyber bullying, is fairly new.  Due to technology, youth are now able to bully others in more create ways. These bullies are no longer limited to verbal or physical bullying, but
30 Dec 2013

2013 The Year of Declining Text Messages

According to Nielsen Research, in mid-2012 there were a total of 423,000,000,000 text messages being sent every month.  That number for 2012 is reported to have increased 15% over the previous year of 2011 which had the
7 Jan 2013

New Facebook Messenger & Voice App to end SMS text lingo?

Early in December 2012 there were rumours of Facebook creating a Messenger app for Android that was aimed at getting mobile users off SMS, and on that FB social network’s own messaging service.  In fact, at the