2013 The Year of Declining Text Messages

According to Nielsen Research, in mid-2012 there were a total of 423,000,000,000 text messages being sent every month.  That number for 2012 is reported to have increased 15% over the previous year of 2011 which had the largest growth.

However, for 2013 it is being reported in Canada that the number of text messages are on the decline and this is compiled from telecom carriers and not from apps like BBM, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc. which are increasing in use.

Canadians sent a reported 96.5 billion text messages in 2012 as reported by Mobile Syrup. The specific numbers for Q1 2013 were 24 billion, and Q2 2013 reached 23.5 billion — this brings the total texts sent in 2013 up to mid-year to 70.5 billion. Estimating that the Q4 busy period matches last year at 25 billion texts sent, we could see the numbers slightly dip to 95.5 billion as reported above.


Text Messages Easier to Understand

Even with all this activity, translating text messages and online chat abbreviations has never been easier due to all the resources available online at your fingertips, as well as the familiarity of the messages in common lingo.

Using Transl8it and other online resources, we have compiled a new extended list of text messages for your convenience.  A small sample of those message are available below:


?4U      I have a question for you

@TEOTD          At the end of the day

10Q      Thank you

2EZ      Too easy

2NTE    Tonight

831       I love you (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning)

AFAIK   As far as I know

FYEO   For your eyes only